Chi Siamo

Il Padre Pellegrino Onlus è un’organizzazione impegnata a sostenere le attività dell’Opera San Michele Arcangelo che in Brasile accoglie i “meniños de rua” bambini di strada costretti a vivere la loro infanzia in condizioni di emarginazione e miseria


aiutiamo i bambini più poveri, costretti ad un infanzia di emarginazione e miseria


garantiamo loro l’Amore che possono trovare in una famiglia, pasti giornalieri e l’assitenza medica necessaria


diamo loro il percorso scolastico completo seguito da corsi professionali in diversi settori e attivitá lavorative

il loro Futuro

li prepariamo per entrare nel mondo del lavoro, diventare indipendenti e integrarsi nella societá


Il NUOVO Giornalino di Pasqua: LEGGI
Leggi il messaggio di Marco: LEGGI



A series of testimonies from those who visited the Mission in Barbacena and wanted to tell about their experience.
In this section you can also find the stories of the children of the San Michele Arcangelo.

Find out more on the Mission of San Miguel Arcángel

The news

Approximately every 6 months a new Mission’s Journal is published

Videos from the Mission

Watch the Videos of the Mission with the interview to Marco Roberto, updates on the current situation and many others.

Discover the San Michele Arcangelo

The Mission of the San Michele Arcangelo is not institutional, but based on family values

The Donation

You can change a kid’s life, starting from NOW!

Marco Roberto Bertoli writes in a letter: “Charity is done with two hands, one that gives, the other that receives, and both must remain empty. The one who gives must be empty, because he has been able to give everything he had, the one who receives cannot keep anything because he needs everything.

The Projects of the Mission, from those completed to the ones “in progress”

Food of the World

I thought that if I could not bring the world into our mission I could produce something within the mission to bring into the world !”

Project in progress

Elderly’s House

The revolutionary “House of the Elderly” project is structured on two actions: welcoming abandoned elderly and promoting their interaction with the children – living in the mission.

Little Girl’s House

Objective of the project called “The little Girl’s house” is to welcome young girls, from 8 to 16 years of age, whose rights to live decently and with dignity have been violated.