We HELP the poorest children, forced into a childhood of marginalization and misery. We guarantee them Love, daily meals and the complete school path together with professional courses to enter the work market, become independent and integrate into society
Il Padre Pellegrino Onlus is an organization committed to supporting the activities of the Mission “San Michele Arcangelo” which in Brazil welcomes the “meniños de rua”, street children, forced to live their childhood in conditions of marginalization and misery
A series of testimonies from those who visited the Mission in Barbacena and wanted to tell about their experience.
In this section you can also find the stories of the children of the San Michele Arcangelo.
Find out more on the Mission of San Miguel Arcángel
The Donation
You can change a kid’s life, starting from NOW!
Marco Roberto Bertoli writes in a letter: “Charity is done with two hands, one that gives, the other that receives, and both must remain empty. The one who gives must be empty, because he has been able to give everything he had, the one who receives cannot keep anything because he needs everything.
The Projects of the Mission, from those completed to the ones “in progress”
Children Helped
Meals served
Professional Volunteers