Fish farming proposes, through an artificial basin equipped with several tanks for breeding and reproduction of fish, not only as food support, but also as a school at a professional level. It was built in a small pond in the mission estate which, to be suitable for the project, was partially emptied to allow the grubbing up of reeds and existing algae.
This initial preparation, which is necessary to create the conditions favorable to the habitat of the fish, required six months of work, in four different times, chosen according to the geological and meteorological conditions. Subsequently, the lake was filled and the twenty tanks were installed, each with a capacity of one tonne, where the male and female fry could be inserted to reproduce the fish. The fry must be fed for about six months, to get the first results. The project has the ambition to achieve a total yield of twenty tons of fish in a year, which however remain insufficient for the needs of the boys welcomed in the Opera.